LP Info and Care

Liner Notes

I love the fact that I can have my complete music collection in my pocket.  It's one of the many joys of living in the digital age that we live in today.  One thing I do miss though is the interesting liner notes that were included with records back in the day.  You can learn so much more about a specific recording or artist when you take the time to read the liner notes and inserts that were included with many albums.

During the technological transition between 78s and LPs (Long Playing Records) there always seemed to be parts of the liner notes dedicated to why one company's records were better quality than the others.  Reading these years later is fascinating and sometimes hilarious to me.

I've included some record care and general information from Columbia Records taken from an original pressing of a Benny Goodman record I have in my collection.  Great reading!  Also, be sure to check out the Swing City Radio Pinterest Page for more liner notes as I stumble upon them.

Liner Notes
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Pictured Above: The record companies must have been quite concerned on how the general public would care for their record albums.  Thankfully William S. Bachman, the Director of Columbia Records Sound Laboratories took the time to establish this guide to help us understand the proper safeguards of record care.  :)

Pictured Below: Earth altering information on why Columbia's High Fidelity was leaps and bounds above the competition.  Thank goodness they provided the illustration so I could understand the science behind the process.  :)

Liner Notes
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The information below explains the benefits of the Long Playing record.  All kidding aside, I can understand how happy people must have been not to have to get up and change a record after every song like you had to do with 78s.  I truly enjoy the illustration as well.  Luckily, the artist had the insight to provide arrows to show which way the hands on a clock move.   Also, the drawing itself could have easily been used for a Viagra ad if the product was around back then.  :)

Liner Notes
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... and to prove my point about my Viagra comment I provided the image below.  (Spare time can a dangerous thing at times.  Haha!)  I see a T-Shirt of this drawing in my future.

Liner Notes
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