Wild Bill Davison: That's A Plenty

Wild Bill Davison on Swing City Radio

Awhile back, I was performing my monthly ritual of browsing the local used record shops looking for music to feature on the station.  Truth be told, many times I come back empty handed.  That's just how it goes.  However, on that particular quest, I did find a good bunch of interesting records.  

One of those records was "That's a Plenty" by Wild Bill Davison.  For those of you that are unfamiliar with Davison, he was a fantastic cornet player that started out in the 1920's but didn't start to make an impact until the early 40's.  He is best known for his work with bandleader Eddie Condon, but still managed to do many projects of his own.  Davison also had a reputation for heavy drinking and womanizing, hence the nickname "Wild Bill."

This album features many great musicians including Pee Wee Russell and Eddie Condon.  Davison plays both the cornet and trumpet on different tracks on this album.  If you like your Big Band music more on the Dixieland side, then you'll enjoy this record.  

You can hear the songs "That's A Plenty", "Panama", "Muskrat Ramble" and "Clarinet Marmalade" right here on Swing City Radio.

Swing City Radio: Playing Your Big Band and Swing Music Favorites from the 1930's, 40's and Today! - Big Band Radio Station Broadcasting Online from King of Prussia, PA.

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