Update on The Hepcat Challenge

Picture of Hepcat

Can you believe that 2021 is almost half over?  Where does the time go?  Well, I thought the halfway point of the year would be a good time to remind all of you on how YOU can help support Swing City Radio and The Big Band and Swing Podcast.  I also wanted to provide you with an update on the The Hepcat Challenge for 2021.

The most popular way to help support the radio station and podcast is by becoming a Hepcat.  It's easy.  It's safe.  And it's affordable!  For as little as $3 a month you can become a Hepcat and provide the much needed financial support for Swing City Radio and The Big Band and Swing Podcast.

Hepcat Button

When you become a Hepcat you will receive Full Access to all types of Bonus Content and Podcast Extras. I'm excited to announce that starting July 1st, I will be featuring a new show called "Big Band On Demand" which will be an exclusive show just for Hepcats.  I will also be adding Show Notes for The Big Band and Swing Podcast which will include artists, song titles and other material from past episodes.  The Show Notes should be done by the end of this summer and will be for Hepcats only.

Update on this year's Hepcat Challenge:

Picture of Hepcat Challenge

As you can see, I need your help.  We have some ground to make up to reach this year's goal.  But, I really think we can do it.  So please visit SupportSwing.com and just consider becoming a Hepcat and supporting the station and podcast.  No pressure!  Just asking you to consider it.

Thank you so much for your time and as always, enjoy Swing City Radio!

Consider supporting Swing City Radio by becoming a Hepcat.  Learn more at: SupportSwing.com.

Swing City Radio: Playing Your Big Band and Swing Favorites from the 1930's, 40's and Today! - Listener Supported and Streaming Commercial Free.

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