Georgie Auld

Picture of Georgie Auld

Georgie Auld's sax playing can be heard on some of the greatest songs of The Swing Era.  Born in Toronto, Canada in 1919 , he later moved to Brooklyn, New York where he taught himself how to play saxophone.

It's surprising to me that Georgie Auld's name isn't more well known.  He was a featured player in many great bands including the orchestra's of: Artie Shaw, Bunny Berigan, Benny Goodman, Jan Savitt and many more.  Auld had the ability and talent to adapt his playing to blend into a variety of styles and moods.

He led his own band from 1944 to 1946.  They had a good sound and a promising future ahead of them.  Unfortunately, Auld began to face some medical issues that forced him to dissolve that first orchestra.  Georgie recovered from his illness and later started two other bands, one in 1948 and another in 1955. 

All of the bands Auld put together were very good.  They contained some big names, but he never really took that step to the next level as a bandleader. That may be reason his name isn't mentioned more.  But all of that being said, Georgie Auld recorded well into the 1960's under his own name and will always be remembered as one heck of a sideman.

Georgie Auld plays "In The Middle" - 1945

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