Watch: "Especially For You"

Picture of Bonnie Baker

Today's video is a Snader Telescription from 1951 and features Bonnie Baker performing "Especially For You." Baker was a vocalist for Orrin Tucker's Orchestra from the mid-1930's to the early 40's and was known for her sweet, girlish voice.  Bonnie, along with Tucker's band, were best known for their version of the 1917 song "Oh, Johnny, Oh!" which they turned into a hit in 1940.  She was also known as "Wee" Bonnie Baker, because of her petite, 4'11 height.

In 1942, Baker left Orrin Tucker's Orchestra to pursue a solo career and found some moderate success. Later on, in the 1950's, she became the voice of Chilly Willy, the adorable cartoon penguin.  Sadly, in 1965, Bonnie suffered a heart attack and gave up performing.

Enjoy this great Snader Telescription, which truly captures what Bonnie Baker was all about.

Watch: Bonnie Baker perform "Especially For You"

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