Watch: Whittle Out a Whistle

Picture of Ruth Terry and The Music Maids

Today's video clip is from a movie called "Jamboree" which was released to the public in 1944.  This catchy little song is called "Whittle Out a Whistle" and features the vocals of actress Ruth Terry and The Music Maids.  Even though Terry was known more as an actress, she got her start singing with Clyde McCoy's Orchestra very early in her career and also appeared as a guest vocalist on The Bob Crosby Show.

The Music Maids were regulars on the "Kraft Music Hall" radio program and had many different members rotate in and out of the group through the years including: Denny Wilson, Jeanne Darrell, Alice Ludes, Patt Hyatt, Virginia Erwin, Alice Sizer, Bobbie Canvin and Dottie Messmer.  Along with their work on radio, the vocal group was also featured in a bunch of films throughout the 1940's as well.

The plot of the film "Jamboree" was: "Two bands vying for the same radio spot outwit themselves by impersonating each other."  I've never seen it. A written promo for the movie claimed it was "A Merry Musical Mix-up of Music...AND MOONLIGHT MAGIC!"

The film starred Ruth Terry, George Byron and Paul Harvey.  Honestly, I'm not sure how much I would enjoy this film, but this song performance is excellent and Ruth Terry's voice blends in very well with The Music Maids. 


Watch: "Whittle Out a Whistle" performed by Ruth Terry with The Music Maids from 1944.

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