Soundie: I'm Tired Of Waiting For You

Picture of Ray McKinley and Lynn Gardner

Today's Soundie features Will Bradley and His Orchestra and was released to Panoram in May of 1942.  The song "I'm Tired Of Waiting For You" includes Ray McKinley and Lynn Gardner on vocals.

The Soundie itself was a pretty good production.  Ray and Lynn are in the middle of a relationship squabble that they appear to be working out by singing their feelings to each other.  During this "discussion" a constant parade of distraction parade in between them.  It's actually quite entertaining.

Somewhat lost in all this is that "I'm Tired Of Waiting For You" is very good song.  Ray and Lynn do a great job on the vocals and Will Bradley's band turns in a fantastic performance.  Sadly, that version of Bradley's Orchestra disbanded months later.


Watch: "I'm Tired Of Waiting For You" by Will Bradley and His Orchestra

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