Watch: Frances Carroll And The Coquettes

Picture of Frances Carroll And The Coquettes

Today's video is a short film called "Frances Carroll And The Coquettes" and was released to the public by Vitaphone in 1940.  The short movie itself was filmed in 1939.  I have posted this video before in recognition of drummer Viola Smith's passing but I felt it deserved another post as the main focus.

If you are a fan of the "All-Girl Bands" of the 1940's then you will LOVE this.  The film runs close to 10 minutes and includes the songs:
  • "When I Swing My Stick"
  • "Snake Charmer"
  • "The Girl Friend of the Whirling Dervish"
  • "Jitterbug Jump"
The song "Snake Charmer" features a fantastic drum solo by Viola Smith. Frances Carroll And The Coquettes were a great, tight band and in my opinion deserved much more exposure than they got. 


Watch: The short film "Frances Carroll And The Coquettes" from 1940.

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