Soundie: Jukebox Saturday Night

Picture from Jukebox Saturday Night

In this video, The Modernaires do a great job with Glenn Miller's classic, "Jukebox Saturday Night".  The Glenn Miller Modernaires, as they are billed in this 1944 Soundie are Tommy Morgan, Hal Dickinson, Fran Scott, and Ralph Brewster. Dickinson and Brewster were members of the Modernaires with Glenn Miller.  The female vocalist is Harriet Clark.  Clark sang with Sonny Dunham and Charlie Barnet at different points of her career and did a fantastic job standing in for Paula Kelly.  Paula Kelly was pregnant at the time this was filmed.  

In my opinion, this is a wonderful cover of the song.  Harriet Clark is a very good vocalist and I wish she would have made more recordings.  Ralph Brewster is also an amazing singer and a true talent.  The song is just as upbeat and fun as the original and the filming for this Soundie was done well.  In 1944, The Modernaires were still associated with Glenn Miller who was in the military leading the Army Air Force Band at that time.

Watch: The Glenn Miller Modernaires perform "Jukebox Saturday Night" from 1944

Note: There are also rumors that Harry James was on set and provided the famous Trumpet solo for this recording. I have not been able to confirm that, and I strongly doubt that it's him.

So, when you get a chance check out this entertaining Soundie and maybe have a Soda Pop Rickey while watching.  Enjoy!

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