Record Finds - Aug 2024

Picture of Cleaning 78's

Yesterday I made some time to go out record hunting and got about fifty 78's.  Spent most of last night cleaning a bunch of them up and I have to say, many of them cleaned up quite well.  But, we'll see how they sound.  It's weird how some of the cleaner ones in my collection can sound awful, while ones filled with scratches and faded label can sound beautiful.  You just never know.  I think that's what makes it so much fun.

I'll be posting the audio of these 78's to the YouTube Channel over the next few weeks so keep and eye out for that.  I was able to rescue some Glenn Miller discs, a lot of Benny Goodman, Tex Beneke, Vaughn Monroe and many more.

In fact, I might digitize some of these tonight.  Who knows, I'm sometimes easily distracted so we'll see if I get to it.  😜

Pic of Cleaning 78's

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