New Years Eve Special

Dec 31, 1944 - Times Square

Hey there everyone!  I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas Holiday.  So over the last couple of years I've had listeners email me about doing something special to celebrate the New Year. 

Starting this New Year's Eve, I will be playing an old AFRS Transcription Disc that originally aired back on December 31st of 1944.  It's called "Swing Around The Clock" and features a fabulous selection of music from some of the biggest names of the Big Band Era.

It's roughly about an hour long and I took a lot of time cleaning up the audio so it sounds great.  It will air on Swing City Radio starting at around 11:30pm EST on December 31st. So be sure to do your time conversions depending on where you live.

Let me know your thoughts, and Happy New Years to all of you out there in radio land.  

Tune in at 11:30pm EST on December 31st
for Swing City Radio's New Years Special. 

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