Feb 2025 - Playlist Additions and Update

Ray Anthony

Hey there everyone!

I hope you are all having a great 2025 so far!  The numbers for Swing City Radio have been through the roof over the last few months. It makes me so happy that even after all of these years the station continues to draw more listeners week after week.

As you all know by now, I continue to add new tracks to keep things fresh on the station.  Here's a brief breakdown of a couple dozen tracks I'm adding this month:

Jimmy Dorsey
Selected tracks from a show that Jimmy did to support the U.S. Treasury War Bond Drive in 1943.  Keep an ear out for a fantastic version of "Murder, He Says" sung by Kitty Kallen and a blistering rendition of "One O'clock Jump". Jimmy was definitely jammin' on this performance.

Glenn Miller
I'm always on the look out for Glenn Miller content.  He's always been one of my favorites.  I've recently cleaned up some music from a Basic Music Library Transcription Disc issued by the AFRS.  Tracks include live performances of "The Weekend Of A Private Secretary", "Whatcha Know Joe", "Dancing In A Dream" and "High On A Windy Hill".  Great stuff!

I'm also adding music by Connee Boswell, Freddie Rich and Mildred Bailey from a show called "It's Florida's Treat" that originally aired in 1937. And selected tracks from an April 1951 episode of "Jazz Club USA" featuring Buddy Johnson and Cootie Williams.

Also, I want to wish Ray Anthony a belated Happy Birthday.  He turned 102 years old last month. 

Enjoy the music!

Footprints of The Rat Pack

Pic of Rat Pack

Every year around this time I travel out to Las Vegas for work purposes.  That's why I don't post as much as I should in January.  When I have a chance, I enjoy strolling down The Strip and taking in the sights and sounds.

This year I stumbled upon something I hadn't seen before.  In the area where The Venetian now presently stands I found a little landmark celebrating The Rat Pack.

In the early 1960's Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford posed for a legendary photograph taken in front of The Sands Hotel.  They marked the location with a nice plaque and footprints on the ground where they stood.  Very cool!

And in case you are wondering, yes I did stand on both Frank Sinatra's and Dean Martin's footprints. :)

Just a little personal update from your friendly neighborhood station owner.

~ Ronnaldo

pic of Footprints

Pic of Plaque

Added to Playlist - January 2025

Spotlight Bands

Hey there, Hepcats! - Happy New Years to all of you!  Over the holidays I had a chance to clean up some great music.  Most of the tracks came from a show called "Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands". If you are unfamiliar with the show, it was a 15 minute program that featured the hottest bands of the day and aired nationally. "Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands" was sponsored by Coca-Cola and ran from 1943 to about 1950. The show would travel around the United States to different Military Bases and Manufacturing Plants.

Here are some of artists and performances that I recently added to The Swing City Radio Rotation:

Charlie Barnet - Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands (AFRS) - Ep 777 - Mar 14, 1945

Charlie Spivak - Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands (AFRS) - Ep 731 - Jan 19, 1945

Al Donahue - Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands (AFRS) -Nov 10, 1943

Johnny Long - Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands (AFRS) - Ep 810 - Apr 21, 1945

Tommy Tucker - Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands (AFRS) - Ep 814 - Apr 26, 1945

Tommy Dorsey - Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands (AFRS) - Jan 17, 1942

The performances listed above yielded a few dozen new additions to the "always growing" playlist. Also added were a few tracks from a Red Nichols radio remote from The Hotel Netherlands, Cincinnati, OH recorded on March 31, 1939 and a Frankie Trumbauer Radio Broadcast from The Hickory House recorded in February of 1937.


Listen to: "Boarding House Bounce" by Tommy Tucker from 1945

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