Footprints of The Rat Pack

Pic of Rat Pack

Every year around this time I travel out to Las Vegas for work purposes.  That's why I don't post as much as I should in January.  When I have a chance, I enjoy strolling down The Strip and taking in the sights and sounds.

This year I stumbled upon something I hadn't seen before.  In the area where The Venetian now presently stands I found a little landmark celebrating The Rat Pack.

In the early 1960's Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford posed for a legendary photograph taken in front of The Sands Hotel.  They marked the location with a nice plaque and footprints on the ground where they stood.  Very cool!

And in case you are wondering, yes I did stand on both Frank Sinatra's and Dean Martin's footprints. :)

Just a little personal update from your friendly neighborhood station owner.

~ Ronnaldo

pic of Footprints

Pic of Plaque

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